Artist working across the mediums of video, animation, installation, web. Exhibitions and screenings include: ResFest Film Festival: UK, Montreal, Chicago Undergound Film Festival, WRO 97: Poland, ARTEC 95 - Nagoya, Japan, New York Digital Salon, New York, An eccentric Orbit: Museum of Modern Art, New York, SIGGRAPH 93: Anaheim. Euro Underground.


Astroturf is a short 3d computer animation and is an attempt to do something funky with 3d animation software. Astroturf explores the themes of technological devolution and dystopia, resulting in various scenarios on the theme of technology backfiring and shortcircuiting, its a stab at the utopian hype surrounding technology and how technology is always perceived as supposedly making our lives better. Much of my work is concerned with the idea of the technological monster, the idea that technology takes us backwards to being asocial, fucked up mutants with bulging bloodshot eyes - I like that idea.


I am in the process of finishing a recent Web project and gallery installation: ‘Web Devolution’: about a digital evangelist web cult of Doomsday - zombie dead Media prophecy’s and the Evolutionary Level Above Human transformation.

Also I am developing a new 35mm short - monster movie called ‘Creature’ at the moment I am only at script writing stage, so it may be a while off...

Open question.

So much stuff you see made with computers is made with guys with pocket protectors who fanaticize about Hans Solo from star wars flying that big spaceship...there’s no real perversity or weirdo attitude associated with computers - what the digital revolution needs is artists who have a sensibility like R. Crumb...not a bunch of nerds making tasteful pictures in PhotoShop and thinking that reading Wired puts them on the edge...